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Menorca rockclimbing

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MCS AlexClimb rock climbing school

The winter climbing season 2025 began in an unusual way. Instead of the well known beautiful Mallorca, it was finally time to realize my long-standing dream and explore the neighboring island of Menorca, which until then I could only see at dawn from the Formentor lighthouse in Mallorca as a vague outline above the sea horizon.

Those who were with me in Majorca at this beautiful lighthouse probably remember the distant island hovering in the dawn sea haze - it was Menorca.

We have a good tradition - to meet the dawn on Cape Formentor in Mallorca - with a view of the neighboring island of Menorca
We have a good tradition - to meet the dawn on Cape Formentor in Mallorca - with a view of the neighboring island of Menorca

Menorca is located 60 kilometers east of its larger neighbor - Mallorca, in addition, as the name suggests, Menorca is much smaller - the size of this island is only 40 by 20 kilometers.

To understand the proportions - Mallorca on the left and Menorca on the right
To understand the proportions - Mallorca on the left and Menorca on the right

Despite its compactness, the island turned out to be so full of various (sometimes unexpected) attractions that, contrary to the desire to spend only a week getting to know Menorca and then sail to Mallorca, I changed my plan and stayed on the island for more than 3 weeks.

This is what most of the coast of the island of Menorca looks like
This is what most of the coast of the island of Menorca looks like

My main impression was that Menorca is some kind of unimaginable portal into the world of cosmic tranquility. Even in the summer, the island is significantly inferior in popularity and attendance to its neighbors - Mallorca and Ibiza, and in winter you can just dissolve in a deserted world of silence, sea calm and centuries-old history. However, let's take things in order.

Panorama of Menorca from the top of the highest mountain on the island - Monte Toro, 340 meters above sea level
Panorama of Menorca from the top of the highest mountain on the island - Monte Toro, 340 meters above sea level

Rock climbing in Menorca is very compact, like the island itself. There are no more than 250 rock climbing routes on the island (in contrast to Majorca there are more than 3,000 routes).

Climbing sectors are located in 7 main locations with convenient transport accessibility, there are some options for bouldering and a lot - for DWS.

There is a small guidebook on the climbing routes of Menorca
There is a small guidebook on the climbing routes of Menorca

It is clear that Deep Water Solo is not a winter form of recreational rock climbing. Falling into a cold, unquite sea in winter is an extremely dubious pleasure, so I decided to focus on exploring the land forms of climbing on the rocks of Menorca - classic and bouldering.

During the summer season, DWS is the most popular form of climbing in Menorca
During the summer season, DWS is the most popular form of climbing in Menorca

For classic climbing with rope in Menorca, there are several sectors equipped with high-quality, but short climbing routes - the average length of a regular 6b - 6c route does not exceed 15-18 meters.

The reason is that there are practically no large rock massifs in Menorca. Like everything on the island, the rocky cliffs are small and compact in size, however, this does not affect the quality of the relief - all the cliffs of Menorca are excellent dense yellow limestone with good holds.

Rock climbing in the Cales Coves sector on the island of Menorca
Rock climbing in the Cales Coves sector on the island of Menorca

The most developed area for rock climbing in Menorca is the "Cavalier Peninsula" - the northernmost tip of the island, jutting out into the sea as a long rocky cape with a picturesque lighthouse at its far end.

Lighthouse on the cape of the Cavalier Peninsula in Menorca
Lighthouse on the cape of the Cavalier Peninsula in Menorca

On the eastern coastal cliff of the Cavalier Peninsula there are 70 equipped classic climbing routes from 12 to 26 meters long and difficulty grade from V to 7c.

The eastern exposure of the sector provides maximum heat and sunlight in the autumn-winter period, which is ideal for rock climbing from November to March. In late spring or summer, the exposure of the sector does not provide such obvious advantages - you definitely will melt from the heat.

Rocky cliffs of the Cavalry Peninsula on the island of Menorca
Rocky cliffs of the Cavalry Peninsula on the island of Menorca

Another climbing sector that I liked is located on the opposite - southern side of the island near the town of Son Bau - in texture, the rocks of the sector are very similar to the best continental sectors of Spain, only on a microscopic scale. The sector has a set of two dozen equipped routes from V to 7a+

All climbing locations on the island have convenient transport logistics and do not require long or technically complicated approaches - again, due to the size of the island, the longest car ride around Menorca cannot take more than 30-40 minutes.

Rock climbing in Menorca
Rock climbing in Menorca

Menorca does not have any outstanding qualities for rock climbing, like Majorca or (God forbid) Kalymnos in Greece. However, for a full-fledged rock climbing program of my favorite 12-day format, there are more than enough routes in Menorca.

You must admit that in a week and a half of rock climbing vacation you are unlikely to feel the difference in the number of routes on the whole island - whether there are 300 or 3000 route - all the same, you will not be able to climb more than two dozen of them.

Rock climbing in the Cales Coves sector on the island of Menorca
Rock climbing in the Cales Coves sector on the island of Menorca

In the end, I can say this: there is rock climbing in Menorca, but going to this island just for the sake of rock climbing is probably not the best idea.

Menorca has everything you need to practice the whole range of popular outdoor activities - rock climbing, hiking, running, cycling, kiting and surfing, but the charm of this island, nevertheless, is not in this.

I have not been going for rock climbing programs just for the sake of just climbing, maybe that is why I fell in love with Menorca from the first day.

An ideal bay with a sandy beach for relaxation, swimming, walking or trekking
An ideal bay with a sandy beach for relaxation, swimming, walking or trekking

In my opinion, Menorca is interesting for its completely different features, not related to rock climbing, which make this island an unique, very interesting and original tourist location.

The uniqueness of Menorca - is in the island's brightest charisma in an inextricable connection with its incredibly rich ancient history.

An ordinary winter landscape of provincial Menorca
An ordinary winter landscape of provincial Menorca

The tiny towns of Menorca are completely different from each other, neither in architecture, nor in the unique atmosphere that reigns in them, a mixture of a motley ancient history, warm human comfort and the proximity of the sea element, which is felt in every feature of the relief on the island.

Design of the promenade area of the Ciutadella embankment
Design of the promenade area of the Ciutadella embankment

To feel like a hero of an old fairy tale, just take a stroll along the steep medieval street of the oriental style colorful Mao, clinging to the rocks of a powerful rocky cliff above the bay with cascades of fortress walls.

Walking along the Mao embankment
Walking along the Mao embankment

Or get lost in the tiny center of cartoonish Ciutadella, in a labyrinth of narrow, winding streets that seem to be able to tie themselves into a knot at any moment among the overhanging roofs of ancient houses.

In winter, there are very very few people on Menorca, so you can fully immerse yourself in the dense atmosphere of coziness and medieval history of the island.

The ancient center and harbor of the town of Ciutadella
The ancient center and harbor of the town of Ciutadella

And if you are interested in secrets and silent evidence of the existence of ancient civilizations - in Menorca you risk to drow in the impressions. And this is not a joke.

In ancient times, before the Roman colonization of the Balearic Islands, Menorca was something like the center of the Talayotic civilization (the Talayotic era is a completely unexplored and mysterious historical period in the Mediterranean, which began in the Bronze Age and ended about 3,000 years ago.)

Visualization of the historical periods from the Museum of Menorca
Visualization of the historical periods from the Museum of Menorca

On Menorca, due to some unclear global historical processes, almost all of the island's ancient infrastructure has remained phenomenally intact. Wherever you look, you can see the remains of cyclopean structures of the unknown nature and purpose, many of which have survived many thousands of years and remained in almost original condition.

Naveta de Tudons - one of the prehistoric dolmens typical of Menorca - in the form of an inverted boat - perfectly preserved to this day - one of the most famous archaeological monuments of Menorca
Naveta de Tudons - one of the prehistoric dolmens typical of Menorca - in the form of an inverted boat - perfectly preserved to this day - one of the most famous archaeological monuments of Menorca

Just think about it - on the territory of a small island of 700 sq. km, there are more than 1600 known archaeological sites from the prehistoric era - and many more have not yet been discovered among the rocks and dense vegetation of the island.

Strange structures of huge stones can be found in any corner of Menorca, many are still unexplored
Strange structures of huge stones can be found in any corner of Menorca, many are still unexplored

For three weeks, along with rock climbing training, I went for a walk every day to 3-4 historical locations, and they were never similar to each other or tiresome with tourist intrusion.

Quite the opposite. Each new place, each archaeological complex or museum was filled with its own unique atmosphere, which was especially well felt in the complete absence of visitors.

In my opinion, I have solved the riddle of for what the ancients piled huge stones on top of each other
In my opinion, I have solved the riddle of for what the ancients piled huge stones on top of each other

The history of the island, or rather the mysteries of the history of Menorca (there are more mysteries than the history itself), is very interestingly shown in the Museum of Menorca in Mao - this is one of the most interesting museums that I have visited in Spain.

Two floors of this ancient castle are occupied by unique exhibitions about the history of Menorca
Two floors of this ancient castle are occupied by unique exhibitions about the history of Menorca

So, if the concentration of climbing routes in Menorca cannot be compared with neighboring Mallorca, then the number of places where you can fully immerse yourself in a virtually untouched historical atmosphere cannot be compared with anything at all - Menorca is unique in this sense.

The first tourists visited Menorca about five thousand years ago
The first tourists visited Menorca about five thousand years ago

You can even choose the most interesting historical period to immerse yourself in - be it the deep gray antiquity of the Talayots, or the monuments of the Roman Empire, which is closer to us and more understandable, or the Gothic Middle Ages, or the colorful period of the Muslim invasion - each of these eras is vividly felt in Menorca, which is sometimes called "The world's largest open-air historical museum".

Summary – Menorca is unrivaled for combining sports and culture, and the cultural part can be even more interesting than the sports.

But climbing in Menorca is still worth it – the rocks and routes here are of the highest quality!
But climbing in Menorca is still worth it – the rocks and routes here are of the highest quality!

Author of text and photos - Alex Trubachev
Your guide to mountaineering and rock climbing in Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Bolivia



Our Principles

AlexClimb Rule #1 - Safety First

From the very beginning of our activity, here nearly 16 years, the first Principle of work of School of mountaineering and rock-climbing of MCS AlexClimb is the Safety Priority. On the basis of this Principle all process of training is based, all programs and rounds are developed and carried out only within this main principle. We consider that at professional approach to development of programs, at personal discipline and correctly put motivation - occupations by mountaineering and rock-climbing are COMPLETELY safe. And from the return - all troubles and accidents in our sport come from nonprofessionalism, from ignorance or neglect by elementary standards of safety, from irrational motivation, from revaluation of own forces and opportunities. All these prerequisites we COMPLETELY EXCLUDE in our work - ours Rock-climbing, Ice climbing and Mountaineering are based on one Principle - the Safety Priority. In rock-climbing, mountaineering and ice climbing, the Priority of Safety of MCS AlexClimb-is your personal security and comfort irrespective of, than we are engaged - we train muscles and we work technology of the movement in the sports hall and on the rock climbing wall, we make the way through snowstorm to top or we relax on golden sand of the Caribbean beach after hot day of trainings on rocks. The Safety priority - the main credo of School of mountaineering and rock-climbing of MCS AlexClimb.

AlexClimb Rule #2 - Leave No Trace

Closely interacting with Nature, working with the active programs in mountains, woods, lakes and rivers, we perfectly understand the importance of carefull and respectfull bahavior towards the Nature, for its resources. From the very beginning of our outdoor-activity we adopted rules of  Leave No Trace technique - the standard of behavior of the person accepted in all the civilized world in relation to environment and especially - to the wild nature. After all on the relation of people to the nature near which they exist, itself can draw dalekoidushchy conclusions on the relation of these people to... Where and as we didn't travel - we don't reserve any garbage, we try to reduce whenever possible our influence on environment to a minimum. We clear earlier zagryazyonny tourist parking of the left garbage, we take out and we take out to utilization places that to us other people left there. We consider that only thus, at personal individual consciousness of each citizen, each tourist, climber or autotraveller, we will be able to keep the nature surrounding us in its state, natural, suitable for life, - in it pledge of the healthy future for ourselves and our children.

AlexClimb Rule #3 - Sober Concious

The position of AlexClimb Mountain and rockclimbing School regarding healthy lifestyle is quite clear - we consider that only sober consciousness is capable to fill sincere emotions,  to sympathize, to enjoy life in all its variety. Bright various enjoyable life is possible only on condition of keeping the absolute sobriety and purity of consciousness. Any way of obscuring our perception of reality is intended to do harm to our consciousness and bring harm to our physical health, to replace the true values by false ones, to destroy us physically - to turn us into flabby, weak, senseless, gray herd with empty hazy eyes. We don't force anybody to our point of view, everyone has a God's gift of making his own choice and to destroy himself if that is what he wants... But in AlexCilimb Mountain Climbing School we accept quite certain and very simple set of rules: neither alcohol, nor drugs.
