About us
- Project Overview
- Concept
- Safe mountain climbing
- Safe rock climbing
- Gift sertificates
- Feedback
- Lirics, enigmas and misterios of mountain climbing
Stories about alpine climbing trips
- South Ushba via 3 buttress
- Ojos del Salado Arg side 2023
- Khan Tengri Edge of risk
- Dykh Tau and Bezengi 2023
- Mount Belukha - the Princess of Altai
- Climbing Alpamayo 2023
- Season 2023 completed
- Season 2023 specifics
- Climbing Monblan 2022
- Lifeless Sierra smiles
- Cerro Torre 50
- Siula Grande
- Climbing Kazbek. Georgia
- Ushba mountain beach
- North Ushba climb
- Morocco, Toubkal climbing
- The Life of the Valley of Sun
- Ushba. Forbidden Mountain
- Peak Lenin Climb
- Kilimanjaro climb
- Elbrus. Today, yesterday and tomorrow
- Mount Kenya climb
- Wind, Rocks and South Cross
- Kluchevskaya Sopka climb
- Peru climbing
- Touching the Legend
- Solo climb of Matterhorn
- Elbrus. Interview with rescuer
- Elbrus - the live legend
- Tian Shan, Peak Komsomol climb
- Khan Tnegri from the North
- International Ushba climb 2002
- Ushba 2002. Author Sergey Zabrodin
- Svanetia, Caucasus from the South
- Climbing Matterhorn - first article
- Climbing Belukha, Altay
Rockclimbing stories
- Menorca rockclimbing
- Tenerife rockclimbing
- Climbing in Mallorca January 2023
- Montserrat
- Majorca rockclimbing report 2014
- Rockclimbing in Peru - Huaraz 2023
- Mallorca rockclimbing December 2023
- Brazil rockclimbing
- Canary Islands and Tenerife
- Georgia Rockcimbing
- Madagascar rockclimbing
- Rockclimbing trip to Kalymnos, Autumn 2014
- Rockclimbing trip to Kalymnos, Spring 2014
- Rockclimbimg in Cuba
- Quadras or the architecture of the gods
- Rockcliming Armenia
- Cuba far away
- Crimea winter Rockclimbing
- Gear reviews, repairs, fails
- Iceclimbing trip stories
- Codex of Mountain Guide
Project Overview
On this page you can find the general information on the AlexClimb Mountain and Rockclimbing School project. What's that - MCS AlexClimb?
MCS AlexClimb Project goals and objectives:
General purpose: Promotion of active, healthy lifestyle, development of mountain-related kinds of sport in Russia.
Popularization of rock-climbing as a sportive activity, accessible practically for all those wishing to try it, which enables to diversify one’s leisure and motivates to keep fit and go in for sports regularly.
Popularization of mountaineering as a type of active leisure.
Gathering information regarding mountaineering routes and opportunities for rock-climbing activities throughout the territory of Russia and all over the world, which enables to attract the attention not only of potential clients, but also that of exterior independent mountain sport amateurs and professionals.
Attracting public attention to the problems faced by the mountainous regions of Russia and thus influencing inasmuch as possible the decisions made regarding such problems.
Project opportunities:
The growth of popularity for mountain sports in Russia, same as the yearly increasing interest of foreign mountaineers and rock-climbers towards Russian mountainous regions, is hindered by the lack of professionally developed training programs, local infrastructure, and the absence of modern unbiased information regarding the routes. In order to solve the abovelisted problems AlexClimb Mountain Climbing School develops training programs and conducts organized sporting trips. All the opportunities of the project are utilized to gather and communicate to the mass media the information about the availability and condition of the routes, the situation in the regions; apart form that, the scope of our work includes renewal of old routes, laying out and describing new ones. AlexClimb Mountain Climbing School holds up to 20 field mountain and rock climbing activities per year, most of which are oriented towards an untrained audience. In future we hope that an opportunity will arise to hold high-level exclusive sportive programs in order to enhance the prestige of mountain sports and attract the attention of a wider audience towards them.
What has been done during 15 years of the project existence:
Over 700 successful mountain climbs and rock climbing programs have been realized in the Caucasus, Alps, Crimea, Altai, Kamchatka, Pamir and Tien Shan, Andes, in Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Steady friendly contacts have been established with mountaineering organizations in England, Norway, France, Italy, USA, Peru, Georgia, Armenia, Tadjikistan.
Multiple successful climbs have taken place, including such world-famous summits as Mont Blanc, Matterhorn, Mount Elbrus, Ushba, Kasbek, Khan Tengri, Peak Korzhenevskaya, Kluchevskaya Sopka, Belukha, Mount Cook and Mount Kosciusko, Alpamayo and Huascaran.
The number of active participants of the project at present is approximately 1600 people, while its audience is much wider. The project is well known and recognized both in Russia and in many other countries of the world.
Information about activities of MCS AlexClimb has been published in practically all significant thematic Russian mass media, articles about the mountainous regions of Russia which are most interesting for the international audience are accessible at international internet resources, exclusive AlexClimb photo materials have regularly received the highest rating from the audience both in Russia and abroad.
Now it is nearly 15 year as Rock and Mountain climbing School MCS AlexClimb works on the promotion of the active way of life and teaching all those who wish to climb mountains or develop their indoor or outdoor climbing abilities. Inside of our School there are two main directions - rockclimbing and mountaineering. In spite of that dividing, our audience is not separated into two parts - - you see, the conception of MCS AlexClimb is just to unite city indoor rockclimbing and absolutely outdoor mountain climbing into one group of outdoor activities.
Mountain climbing School MCS AlexClimb has huge exclusive methodic experience based on the safe and effective teaching of the mountaineering and rock climbing technics. Mountain climbing School MCS AlexClimb realizes many training and recreational outdoor programs everywhere - all the seven continents give us their best suggestions on the most fantastic climbing locations! We organize climbing expeditions to the snow covered highest mountains, we provide our Guides for the most complicated professional climbs of the legendary mountains, we do lots of work to make your climbing rocks more safe and enjoyable anywhere you want to climb!
The idea came long ago in 1998, there was no one in Moscow who thought of the rockclimbing as the required service. Rockclimbing was quitely existing in the local clubs and sections, climbing skills were passed from more experienced people to the beginners, situation was more or less alike as with karate - as that king of fight was prohibited in Soviet Union - it existed only in narrow and secret clubs and societies. But world wide tendencies came as deep as post Soviet Russia - rockclimbing, so popular in the world, got to Russia and found here the fertile soil for its developing. We only need the seedlings...
In that historical moment, young Russian climber Alex Trubachev came to conclusion, that teaching people to climb mountains and rocks would be the most logic and up to date solution in favour of saving the traditions of the famous soviet mountaineering and rockclimbing, to that time definitely divided into indoor and outdoor kinds of activities.
Taking the situation inadmissible - as the rockclimbing and mountain accessions are the two sides of the same thing - active and healthy life in accordance with nature - Alex Trubachev created the conception of the MCS AlexClimb, - in that conception there is no principal differentiation of the sportive rockclimbing and mountaineering, the mountain climbing programs perfectly enrich and motivate the trainings in the climbing gym or getting fit during the outdoor climbing program.
This conception keeps its actuality until nowadays - most of the people connected with MCS AlexClimb Mountain School are not fixed on the indoor gym trainings, the dusty greasy holds for them are just necessary routine steps for keeping their bodies ready for the great adventures and healthy fun.
During the time passed after its foundation, MCS AlexClimb developed multiple unique teaching systems and methods which many times proved their effectiveness and safety.
Climb high.
Climb Safe.
Climb with us.
Our Principles

AlexClimb Rule #1 - Safety First
From the very beginning of our activity, here nearly 16 years, the first Principle of work of School of mountaineering and rock-climbing of MCS AlexClimb is the Safety Priority. On the basis of this Principle all process of training is based, all programs and rounds are developed and carried out only within this main principle. We consider that at professional approach to development of programs, at personal discipline and correctly put motivation - occupations by mountaineering and rock-climbing are COMPLETELY safe. And from the return - all troubles and accidents in our sport come from nonprofessionalism, from ignorance or neglect by elementary standards of safety, from irrational motivation, from revaluation of own forces and opportunities. All these prerequisites we COMPLETELY EXCLUDE in our work - ours Rock-climbing, Ice climbing and Mountaineering are based on one Principle - the Safety Priority. In rock-climbing, mountaineering and ice climbing, the Priority of Safety of MCS AlexClimb-is your personal security and comfort irrespective of, than we are engaged - we train muscles and we work technology of the movement in the sports hall and on the rock climbing wall, we make the way through snowstorm to top or we relax on golden sand of the Caribbean beach after hot day of trainings on rocks. The Safety priority - the main credo of School of mountaineering and rock-climbing of MCS AlexClimb.

AlexClimb Rule #2 - Leave No Trace
Closely interacting with Nature, working with the active programs in mountains, woods, lakes and rivers, we perfectly understand the importance of carefull and respectfull bahavior towards the Nature, for its resources. From the very beginning of our outdoor-activity we adopted rules of Leave No Trace technique - the standard of behavior of the person accepted in all the civilized world in relation to environment and especially - to the wild nature. After all on the relation of people to the nature near which they exist, itself can draw dalekoidushchy conclusions on the relation of these people to... Where and as we didn't travel - we don't reserve any garbage, we try to reduce whenever possible our influence on environment to a minimum. We clear earlier zagryazyonny tourist parking of the left garbage, we take out and we take out to utilization places that to us other people left there. We consider that only thus, at personal individual consciousness of each citizen, each tourist, climber or autotraveller, we will be able to keep the nature surrounding us in its state, natural, suitable for life, - in it pledge of the healthy future for ourselves and our children.