Mountain climbing school

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Восхождение на Казбек - рассказ и отчёт
Only automatically translated version is available at the moment, sorry for the inconvenience A little closer inspection you can see the contrast between the background of distant snows circuit Gergeti ancient monastery built in the ancient times of the reign of Queen Tamar. Kind of a proud and inaccessible peaks white captures the audience and quietly takes him into a world full of solemn and sublime reverie - the effect inherent in general any significant mountain peaks, and at the foot of Mount Kazbek - reinforced harmonious fusion of nature with the age-old human activity & ndash; phenomenon, strange for this century. more...
Рассказ и фотографии о восхождении на Маттерхорн
Only automatically translated version is available at the moment, sorry for the inconvenience Time for the mountains and flows of people in different ways, human century - it is only second to the undisturbed stone giants. People come and go, generation replaces generation, the history of mankind as the wind washes the cold granite, leaving no trace on it ... Only in the brief moment it is impossible to retain the stone hands warm, mountain echo momentarily extend the sound of the live voice. And everything calms down again. The mountains were to man, and will be after him, unchanging in its cold majesty, impregnable guard of eternity ... more...