Mountain climbing school

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2 of 111 different programs are available

Climbing Alpamayo
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mountain climbing

If we talk about which mountain from all the mountains of Peru symbolize the Cordillera Blanca Mountain Range – the most beautiful mountain system famous by its incredible ice summit forms, most likely the specialists will not have two different opinions. In 1966 in the thematic photo exhibition which took place in Munich, the Peruvian mountain Alpamayo was grated the title "The Most Beautiful Mountain of the World". Surely this assertion is quite disputable, - if you exclaim that there can not be THE MOST beautiful mountain as all the mountains are beautiful in different ways, and their beauty depends mostly on the man's ability to see it, of course you will be right. But, standing on the snow saddle of the high pass between Alpamayo and the neighboring mountain Qitaraju, and being face to face with Alpamayo - it will be difficult to refuse this title to her. Alpamayo amazes by the correctness of its forms and by some power of attraction. Alpamayo West Face, oriented exactly to the West and covered with the ice and snow with deep vertical channels cut in it, burns on the sunsets with all the possible colors and it is one of the most incredible and astounding impressions, which man can get from his communication with the mountains.


Matterhorn climbing
booking available

mountain climbing

 Climbing Matterhorn – that is a combination of the most complicated, prestigious, desired and inaccessible that you can image in the Alps for mountain climbing. Technical mountaineering history began just from this impregnable rocky cliffs. The Matterhorn climbing program is available only for experienced climbers, who have sufficient experience in technical climbs and who are in a good physical form. The route from Italy has serious length and high intensity of some climbing pitches.
