Mountain climbing school

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All events December '24
4 of 107 different programs are available

mountain climbing

 Climbing the highest mountain in Morocco and the North Africa – Mount Jbel Toubkal - this program was born from the depths of the Shahrizades tales - where the culture of wild people living on the slopes of the Atlas mountains, crossed with the hot breath of the Arabian desert. Mount Jbel Toubkal is located in the heart of the Atlas Mountains, just in few hours drive from Marrakech. Mount Toubkal climbing program presents no technical difficulties and is available for participants who do not have prior mountaineering experience.


Climbing Mount Kenya
booking available

mountain climbing

 Basic mountaineering program of climbing Mont Kenya which is located directly on the Equator line. The Mount Kenya route (Point Lenana) is not technically difficult, the experience is not required to participate in this ascent. However, participants will have to face the challenges of autonomous travel with overnights in the tents and climbing to quite significant altitude – more than 5000 meters. Climbing program of Mount Kenya goes well as a pre-acclimatization part before climbing Kilimanjaro.


Climbing Kilimanjaro
booking available

mountain climbing

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro is ideal for the people who have no previous climbing experience, it is technically easy but quite serious altitude which is more tolerable and easy here in the proximity of Equator than in more northern or southern latitudes - all this together with professionally built acclimatization schedule, give a fair opportunity to achieve a success and get plenty of brightest impressions, pleasure and experience which will be so important for the more serious climbs in future.


Climbing Mount Meru
booking available

mountain climbing

 Climbing the top of Mount Meru in Tanzania – it is not only an interesting and organic mountain route, passing in the reserve of Tanzania unique by the beauty of its landscape, it is not only a chance to see Mount Kilimanjaro from the height of the neighboring five-thousand meters high volcano, but the most important thing - it is an opportunity to get an excellent acclimatization, which you will need for further and higher climbs in Africa. The climbing route of Mount Meru presents no technical difficulties and is available for participants without previous climbing experience.
