Special mountain courses for AlexClimb mountaineering programs.
Using the equipment for mountain climbing, tacticks of mountain climbing, GPS navigation in the mountains. Physical training for altitude mountain climbing.
The Basics of Mountain climbing
Practical GPS navigation in the mountains
Physical training for mountain climbing
You are going to your first mountain trip. You are going to meet mysterious snow-wight giants from which without doubts you will get plуnty of bright impressions, energy and emotions!.
But the Mountains it is elements not controlled by human power and you have to remember it to avoid disappointing and get maximum from the route you are planning. And as any other elements the Mountains demand much from man. For example: it is unlikely that seaman will to put to sea not knowing how to sail his boat or pilot will start his plane into sky without necessary skills to operate it. The same with the mountains. And the more serious is the route, the more skill are required from the climber.
Certainly, all AlexClimb mountain school programs are developed so, to make it possible for everyone to take part in them. And for participation in the most of our climbing programs the basic introductory instruction is enough just before the trip. But it is just the basic level.
For progressing and passing to more interesting mountain routes it is necessary to get more profound method of learning the technical skills, practical and theoretical studies of various mountain practices and getting of the experience of resolving the situations which are normally originate in the mountain climbing.
We developed several educational programs to make it possible for you to take part in more interesting climbing expeditions, to make your participation more safe and more successful.
Good luck in the mountains!!
Our Principles

AlexClimb Rule #1 - Safety First
From the very beginning of our activity, here nearly 16 years, the first Principle of work of School of mountaineering and rock-climbing of MCS AlexClimb is the Safety Priority. On the basis of this Principle all process of training is based, all programs and rounds are developed and carried out only within this main principle. We consider that at professional approach to development of programs, at personal discipline and correctly put motivation - occupations by mountaineering and rock-climbing are COMPLETELY safe. And from the return - all troubles and accidents in our sport come from nonprofessionalism, from ignorance or neglect by elementary standards of safety, from irrational motivation, from revaluation of own forces and opportunities. All these prerequisites we COMPLETELY EXCLUDE in our work - ours Rock-climbing, Ice climbing and Mountaineering are based on one Principle - the Safety Priority. In rock-climbing, mountaineering and ice climbing, the Priority of Safety of MCS AlexClimb-is your personal security and comfort irrespective of, than we are engaged - we train muscles and we work technology of the movement in the sports hall and on the rock climbing wall, we make the way through snowstorm to top or we relax on golden sand of the Caribbean beach after hot day of trainings on rocks. The Safety priority - the main credo of School of mountaineering and rock-climbing of MCS AlexClimb.

AlexClimb Rule #2 - Leave No Trace
Closely interacting with Nature, working with the active programs in mountains, woods, lakes and rivers, we perfectly understand the importance of carefull and respectfull bahavior towards the Nature, for its resources. From the very beginning of our outdoor-activity we adopted rules of Leave No Trace technique - the standard of behavior of the person accepted in all the civilized world in relation to environment and especially - to the wild nature. After all on the relation of people to the nature near which they exist, itself can draw dalekoidushchy conclusions on the relation of these people to... Where and as we didn't travel - we don't reserve any garbage, we try to reduce whenever possible our influence on environment to a minimum. We clear earlier zagryazyonny tourist parking of the left garbage, we take out and we take out to utilization places that to us other people left there. We consider that only thus, at personal individual consciousness of each citizen, each tourist, climber or autotraveller, we will be able to keep the nature surrounding us in its state, natural, suitable for life, - in it pledge of the healthy future for ourselves and our children.